Frequently Asked Questions
What All Shipping Methods Available at ZomnKart?
All orders are shipped via different acclaimed shipping companies like DHL, Aramax, DTDC, FedEx etc., and soon after marking couriers with any of the shipping company, we update a delivery status trackable number along respective order, using which the buyer can track status of their shipment.
Do You Ship Internationally?
Yes. ZomnKart do ships products across global territories including USA, Canada, UK, UAE etc.
How Long It Will Take To Deliver My Package?
For all international orders, it takes 10 to 15 days for delivering shipments at buyer’s shipping address on an average. However, the domestic order at delivered within 5 to 7 days of order date.
What Payment Methods Are Accepted?
We accept only online payments (prepaid payments) for all the orders. Cash on Delivery and Pay on Delivery is presently not available for ZomnKart buyers.
Is Buying Products from Safe?
Yes. Buyer product with ZomnKart is 100 percent safe, as we have installed secured socket layers (SSL) for keeping buyers’ safe from phishing, spam, and online frauds. Additionally, the online payments for buying products from Zomnkart is absolutely safe as we have integrated Paypal’s security-tight gateway for keeping buyers’ financial details safe on the web.
Order & Retunrs
How do I place an Order?
You need to login at buyer portal, and then add preferred product to shopping cart, and then fill required details like name, contact details, complete and correct shipping address etc., to be able to place order online.
How Can I Cancel Or Change My Order?
Orders can be cancelled from Order Section of buyer login panel. Additionally, you can also drop us an email at for order cancellations.
Do I need an account to place an order?
Yes. Visitors need to sign up first to be able to place an order at .
How Do I Track My Order?
Just log in to and go to order section. And, once your order is shipped, you will be able to see the Tracking ID against the order you placed, and using the same tracking id you can track the order delivery status.
How Can I Return a Product?
For returning the item you’ve received from , you can either drop an email to helpdesk@zomnkart. com or you can also raise return request from buyer login panel.


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